Tuesday 25 March 2014

'The meaning behind your Blog name'

My blogs name may seem quite random before its explained but it has a meaning that is very close to my heart…

On 16th November 2013 my boyfriend and I lost our puppy Hugo. He was hit by a speeding car and passed away. Fortunately we still have our other puppy which made it easier for us pick ourselves up and carry on but we both felt like the rug had just been ripped out from under our feet. 

His first day home.

For most people when they lose a dog its because of old age, or maybe an illness, so they are prepared to say goodbye and they know they've had a long happy life. We weren't so lucky. We didn't get the chance to say goodbye to him, and he didn't get the full life he deserved. And just over 4 months on its still difficult for us to look at photos of him without getting upset because we miss him, or extremely angry at the driver of the car. 

Ive had a lot of animals in my life since I was a child and have had to say goodbye to a few, but i've never had a pet quite like Hugo. He was the sweetest, smartest dog i've ever known and probably will ever know. He was a brilliant (adoptive) big brother to our other dog, he was incredibly loyal to us and wouldn't hurt a fly! (maybe the odd pigeon if they didn't fly off fast enough .. )

Hugo with his adoptive baby brother Wilson.

We were expecting to have him with us for many years of doggy happiness. Days at the beach, walks in the forrest, and cuddles in the evening because he was a total lapdog even though he weighed 40kg. But now we've all had to adjust to life without him which has been one of the most horrible things i've ever had to do. It doesn't feel like we've lost a pet, it feels like we've lost a member of the family. And a lot like when a family member dies it takes you a while to realise that you can't just pick up the phone and call them, its taking a long time for us to stop getting that sinking feeling in our stomachs when we open the bedroom door in the morning and don't see him lying there waiting for us. 

A week or so after, we we're lying in bed one night and I suddenly knew what I wanted to do so I would never forget him. I wanted a 'Hugo Tattoo'. So I started thinking of some ideas that would work and just out of curiosity googled what his name meant. And to match his incredible personality his name has the most beautiful meaning. 'Bright in mind and spirit'. 
So, I took my idea to a tattoo shop in the town near me and asked them to design me something with his name meaning and along with his date of birth and some italian script following where his breed originated I now have him with me forever. 

So when I was trying to come up with a name for this blog, although it took me an hour or two, it suddenly popped into my head. I'll never get bored of it, its meaningful, and its simple. 
Just like Hugo, its perfect. 

Our Last Photo. 

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