Thursday 27 March 2014

'5 Things That Make You Most Happy'

This one should be pretty easy! Well I know the first few are very easy! 

1. My Boyfriend

Ive known this wonderful person for over 2 and a half years now and every day he still surprises me. He is one of the kindest, funniest most caring people I have ever had the pleasure to meet and I now can't imagine my life without him. I've been very lucky in the fact that I've managed to find someone with a personality that matches mine so well, with the same sense of humour who can understand what I'm thinking by just making eye contact. In the entire time we've been together we've never had an argument. If I'm ever upset, it takes him roughly 30 seconds to put a smile on my face. He's one of the only people who can make me belly laugh until I feel like I'm getting a six pack and for that, he is  definitely one of the 5 things that make me most happy. 
I L Bomb You Joseph

He even managed to get me to do a bungee jump...

2. Wilson AKA Baby Bean 

This little creature has been a saving grace for Joe and I. If it wasn't for him we would have struggled to even get out of bed after what happened to Hugo but he gave us something to get out of bed for. Every day, especially on the worst days when we wanted nothing but to stay under the covers and wallow in our sadness, this little boy was the one reason we had to get on with life. He can be a massive pain in the butt sometimes and because he's so massive you sometimes forget he's just a baby, but he's one of the soppiest dogs I've ever met and you can't help but love him. He went through a stage of being a bit down and depressed after he lost his brother but now we've got him back to being a happy little pony! I get greeted at the door every day after work, get wake up kisses in the morning and get crazy amounts of love after I give him his dinner! He goes crazy for bananas, tries to grab your feet as you walk past him, and does a brilliant impression of Chewbacca. You can't help but be happy around him! 

This was him at 6 months old …

3. My Mum 

I vaguely remember going through a phase when I was younger of arguing with my mum a lot but now we don't even have disagreements. She's been there for me through thick and thin and I love her more than anything because of it. She's always told me that whatever I do, as long as its what makes me happy, it will make her happy. I never felt like I had to try to make her proud because she was proud of me just being me. She's the reason I love horror movies and musicals and why I have an old soul in a young body. Her and my Dad made a massive effort when I was little and still now to be friendly towards each other for me so on my birthdays etc I get to be with both of them at the same time. They both put all their personal feelings aside to make sure I was happy. And it worked. I am happy! 
Like Joe, my mum is another one of the few people who can make me belly laugh and once one of us starts its contagious! If we get the giggles we carry on until we are crying. It doesn't take long for me to feel better if she's with me and even when she's not with me I know she's just at the end of the phone whenever I need her, no matter what time of day it is! 
I love you lots Muv! xxxxxxxx
p.s Happy Birthday for Monday! 

Me, my little brother Charlie and Mum

4. Painting My Nails

It may sound strange, but I love painting my nails. I find it really relaxing and I guess its become sort of a hobby! I used to spend a lot more time doing it but I haven't been able to afford to replenish my nail varnish box in a while so I now only have a few colours that are decent quality which is a bit of a bummer! Hopefully in a couple of months I can treat myself to some new ones though :) 

5. Singing 

I don't have any photos to match this one unfortunately! But this is one of the things that makes me happiest. I don't get to do it as much as I'd like and I really do miss performing on stage, but until I decide what I want to do about it singing round the house and at work while I'm cleaning keeps me occupied! There isn't a single day where I don't listen to at least one song and most of the time am singing a song in my head. Theres just something about music that makes me feel happy! 

Theres loads of other things that make me happy but these are definitely the main ones! These are the things that can make me happy even when Im sad and thats a hard thing to do! 

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